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Our life is full of wonderful, chaotic, blessed, hysterical, insane, magical, sad, scary, sweet, mind boggling, moments. While balancing life with 3 cherubs, parents, sisters, BIL, In-laws, 1 teaching career, and many good friends; I find that our life is moving far toooo fast. It is important to cherish and record the moments as we consistently try to balance our scale (God forbid I make a photo album)! MB

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

House A.D.D.

Officially, we bought a new house on Friday. That is the offer was accepted and we are entering a new rat race. One we are VERY familiar with since this will be our fifth house since we got married. Yes. We are nomads. It's like we have house ADD.

But as friend B asked, "Is this THE house?" Yes, it is the one we have been waiting for. The ideal set up and space for us. Which leads us to our usual pattern of action...

Hubby has a track record. We live in a home for a long time (in our world 2-4 years) and then we buy a new house. To sell, hubby has to finish all his unfinished, half started projects.

Our last house we got all new carpets and took down the velvet, red, flowered wallpaper that had plagued our living room for a LONG time. With a fresh paint job...time to sell.

The one before that got a new outside paint job. Looked great. Time to sell.

Sunday, I watch as he paints the trim. Last week, he painted the garage door. Soon he will make my laundry room/mud room look all pretty.

His comment? "Why do you think it takes me selling a house to finish all my jobs?"

My response. Not wanting to state the obvious and diagnose him with house A.D.D., I regress to a simple answer. Shrug. "Time to sell."

1 comment:

Sarahviz said...

You guys are CUH-RAZE-EEE! Fingers crossed for ya!