My photo
Our life is full of wonderful, chaotic, blessed, hysterical, insane, magical, sad, scary, sweet, mind boggling, moments. While balancing life with 3 cherubs, parents, sisters, BIL, In-laws, 1 teaching career, and many good friends; I find that our life is moving far toooo fast. It is important to cherish and record the moments as we consistently try to balance our scale (God forbid I make a photo album)! MB

Monday, May 4, 2009

Can I hide with no seek?

I have always bitten off more than I can chew. From the moment I knew how, to now. This year, no exception. I am relieved that my kids are done with CCD (so I can stop worrying about teaching it) for the year. I can't wait until Girl Scouts is over (so I can take a break from leading/planning/keeping up with ppwk). I am overwhelmed by school paperwork that I receive in TRIPLET everday, and I am frustrated that I do not have the time to apply for the job that I am suppose to be trying to find this year.

I actually want to HIDE for a while. Just simply hide.

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