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Our life is full of wonderful, chaotic, blessed, hysterical, insane, magical, sad, scary, sweet, mind boggling, moments. While balancing life with 3 cherubs, parents, sisters, BIL, In-laws, 1 teaching career, and many good friends; I find that our life is moving far toooo fast. It is important to cherish and record the moments as we consistently try to balance our scale (God forbid I make a photo album)! MB

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Never before have I blogged about teaching, as it is difficult to describe my career. To those that haven't set foot in a classroom in 30-60 years, other than to see their child or grandchild's play (insert other celebration), I promise you this, you have no idea what it is like to be a teacher.

For 180 days, students become my adopted children.
I cry when they are homeless, hungry, verbally abused, neglected, or cast aside as a bother to their parents.
I cry tears of joy when my most struggling student makes gains.
Every Friday we do the 'Friday dance' on the way into class.
We do the 'math' dance(insert other subject) when we figure something challenging out.
My students teach me as much as I teach them.
Teaching makes me a better mom.
Being a mom makes me a better teacher.
My greatest wish is that each child understands that they are all loved and recognized their brilliance.
After agonizing for hours over how to deliver bad news to parents, disbelief sets in if they shrug it off.
A secret desire is possessed to end bottle flipping, forever.
Sometimes nightmares happen about: failing a student, losing a child on a field trip, showing up late, etc.
The best reward in not a (nonexistent) promotion, but the light in the eyes of a struggling child who now gets it.
I am, at times, the one safe person that a child comes to each day for his/her education, guidance, and unconditional love.
Knowing that is heartbreaking.
My actual family gets frustrated by paperwork overtaking the dining room, my out of school work commitments, and my low salary.
Report card preparations is like tax season to an accountant.
If you are lucky enough, your work colleagues become your family away from family because you have been through a lot with them.
I am often right about my hunch about a child's disability, health or mental health ailment, yet I can't speak the words.
Just when I thought I've seen it all, shocked again.
I have an overwhelming amount of patience.
If my friends have children with disabilities, health or mental ailments, or educational struggles, it kills me not to speak up.
If my own child has/had a challenge or disability I trust the teacher to do the right thing by my child.
If said teacher doesn't do right by my child, they will hear from me, respectfully.
I want the parents of my students to know that I am far from perfect, yet, will always give 150%, so, trust me.
Again, if I am suggesting an intervention or strategy, trust it, it may work.
We want parents to take a deep breath and consider that their child is not perfect, we know our own children are not perfect.
It is never appreciated when you 'pop' into class during our teaching time and disrupt the class unless it is a true emergency.
Meetings should have a purpose, be efficient, and help our common goals as educators.
If said meetings are just fluff or mandated, trust that my thought bubble is mulling over a lesson and planning.
State testing has made teachers more accountable for students with disabilities, aside from that, it is a total waste.
I believe it is sinful to put a non-experienced person in charge of our nation's education, if I have to take tests, they should.
The debt assumed to get my Masters may never be paid off.
The union is important because the first thing on the chopping block is always teachers, teacher salaries, or supply money.
Yes, I put a lot of my money into my classroom.
It's like telling doctor's that they have to pay for the blood they are going to give their patient.
Even with all of the challenges, I shall continue to change lives, one little child at a time.
It is too important to stop.
If I am remembered for anything I want it to be for being a caring mom and an effective teacher.
Off to correcting!

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