Most people utilize a list for the things they can't remember or if they have so many things to do or buy they do not want to risk forgetting something. Not my husband. This is what was on his list this morning:
feed dog, run, coffee, cherub 1's lunch, breakfast.
Who needs to put these things on a list? Do you really forget to have your coffee or breakfast? Or forget to feed anyone else for that matter? He did all the things on his list (good job-big day) however he left without saying goodbye and he took all the booster seats for the kids AND the garage door opener with him. So off I went with 1 sick cherub to bring 2 healthy cherubs to school. I had to leave the house unlocked and had to go to my Dad's to get a booster. I think he forgot to put the important things on his list, for example, turn your brain on, activate common sense abilities. Ugghhh.
Again, hubby's world. Can I live there?
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