My cup runneth over to all my very good friends that have made meals for my family this week. I have actually cried in gratitude many times because they helped me take care of my family. You have no idea how much this has meant to me. It has been so hard not being able to be the mom and wife that I usually am. Perfect, far from. However, I think even hubby may realize all the stuff I usually do now(since he has been doing ALL of it for over a week with NO complaints). Again, my sincere thanks!
Thank Goodness
Finally, a minute amt of relief, even if it is fake. I'll take it. Doctor finally (believed my pain was BAD enough and) brought me in for an appointment. He confirmed 'acute strain' in the two bla bla bla's. Basically two areas of my back. Real people talk.
A muscle relaxer has (masked) made the pain better. I can start on a pain (taker-away-er) medication tomorrow. Well it is 11:52pm. I am finally able to stay up past 6pm to be with my kids (and enjoy it) and plan my lessons for the next day (properly) after they have gone to sleep.
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