(Sing to the melody 'How deep is your Love' by one of hubby's fav bands, the Bee Gees)
How deep are your thoughts, I really need to learn, Cuz, we're living in a busy world, racing around, do this, do that, do this, no time for you and me. La la la, la la la la, la la la la la la.
Cuddling w/ hubby in bed this morning, you know the brief few moments before the crazy day starts all over again, my mind is racing back and forth between the 8 million things I have to do this week: the upcoming lesson plans for class, kindergarten registrations, after school care registration, my kids (non) health status, the panic that brings, how we can't go to the bday party today of a friend b/c all kids are sick again, the health of our families. Ok, you get it. My mind is racing, even during cuddle time.
How deep are your thoughts, I really need to learn, Cuz, we're living in a busy world, racing around, do this, do that, do this, no time for you and me. La la la, la la la la, la la la la la la.
Cuddling w/ hubby in bed this morning, you know the brief few moments before the crazy day starts all over again, my mind is racing back and forth between the 8 million things I have to do this week: the upcoming lesson plans for class, kindergarten registrations, after school care registration, my kids (non) health status, the panic that brings, how we can't go to the bday party today of a friend b/c all kids are sick again, the health of our families. Ok, you get it. My mind is racing, even during cuddle time.
Curious, I ask hubby, are you thinking of anything right now? He said 'huh?'. I asked again and he said 'chopping wood'. Arrr, arr, arr, all boy to the core, that's as deep as it goes. Gotta think about the wood I need to chop for the fire place. So strong, so manly, so simple. Can I be in hubby's world?
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