Who is the worst new employee of them all? Me.
Apparently, getting out of a car is risky business now. Yup, that is all it took to create a nasty disc issue. Flat on back. Flat out bored. Flat out sad. Flat out mad. Flat out of work for 2 days in my FIRST week. Flat out humiliating.
The funny parts:
I can walk now (once every few hours). With a granny walker. My boys are enthralled with this fun piece of equipment and ask to borrow it all the time. This picture is of me training for what should be my upcoming road race. Do you think they will let me use the walker?
Cherub 2 made me an adorable picture of me as a queen to cheer me up. He then handed me a blank piece of paper. He said that the blank one was for me to draw a heart on it and give it back to him to say thank you for the picture.
Thank you:
To hubby for keeping our world and our cherubs afloat while I am sinking.
To hubby and friends that know me well enough to give me humor in my time of need. You have kept me sane by not letting me fall into an isolated sadness. Sympathy is nice and all, but it doesn't keep me going when life seems to be happening, without me. You have offered me a chance to laugh through the pain. For that, I am grateful.
To baby sis and big sis for taking care of mom and dad. You have no idea how much I want to be there right now.
To my new work friends that have been nothing but kind about this strange turn of events.
To my hubby again. You have truly shown genuine love for me over the last 4 days. God knows what I did to deserve you but I am thankful.
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