(Elf was hiding on the kitchen shelf.)
Many are asking me where they can get one? Santa delivered ours (wink) to our doorstep. If that isn't working out for you...you can find them at participating Hallmark stores or google 'elf on the shelf' and you will see literally millions of results.
Miracle Wednesday
No one puked. Enough said. Seriously, this is a miracle b/c pretty much up to today it was: puke one day, no puke, repeat.
Don't Lose the Magic
RLF, Kris's (member her, she introduced me to elf) cherubs are just as into elf as my cherubs. Yesterday, Buddy (their elf), fell off their shelf. Since the book instructs you that touching the elf will make him/her lose it's magic, her youngest took this to heart. It was like a rescue mission. 'Get me a plastic baggie!' 'Another one!' With two plastic bags over his hands he gently lifted Buddy back to the shelf. Safe. Magic in-tact. No touchie!
My garage is filled to the rim with packed boxes. The house went on the market today with pics of the outside. Pics of the inside are to be taken tomorrow. I feel like I will never have it cleaned in time! Maybe I will just jump in a box and label myself fragile, to be opened when the unpacking is done. Do you think anyone will notice?
In the midst of all the convalooded life I have been leading lately, I still have managed to hold onto (by the skin of my teeth) my Friday night plans with the girls. Since we are all supposed to arrive at the party at 7pm, we are all meeting at 6pm for a prepartycocktail. Since by Friday night I think we will be the (freeked out) owners of two homes (until this one sells), I think I might need more than one prepartycocktail. Sugar rimmed martini- you are calling my name. Yup, even during a move and a full weekend with moving, packing, xmas parties, cherub's activities...I can still find time to get my priorities straight.
Big Sis & I met today to take all 6 kids to see Santa. I had canceled my previous plans :o( b/c the boys needed some chill time. I figured low key visit to the Big Guy and a NAP was in order. The whole way there...baby cousin (the youngest of our 6) was like, "ya know, he isn't the real Santa. he's fake." My boys were FREEKIN out. "He has to be real. Mom, right?" On and on and on and on. Imagine the baby playing detective rattin' out the fake guy to the older kids.
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