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Our life is full of wonderful, chaotic, blessed, hysterical, insane, magical, sad, scary, sweet, mind boggling, moments. While balancing life with 3 cherubs, parents, sisters, BIL, In-laws, 1 teaching career, and many good friends; I find that our life is moving far toooo fast. It is important to cherish and record the moments as we consistently try to balance our scale (God forbid I make a photo album)! MB

Friday, December 5, 2008

On the Fourth Day of Christmas

Cherub 2: Mom! I think St. Quiggly likes to play the piano JUST LIKE ME!

Cherub 1: Mom! Comehere! Mom! Look! Comehere! Look where he is!!

Cherub 3 (at night): Mom, I have figured it out. The days I find St Quiggly first, I have good luck and have a good day. I am happy!

(Pic from 12/3)

There were two chefs in town for dinner yesterday. As I served the cherubs and friend a nice "steak on a stick" (aka kabobs) dinner, cherub 2 was serving up his specialty. He was utterly hilarious with all his facial expressions, funny antics and drama. These are the moments I would love to bottle up.

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