RLF, K introduced me to Elf on the Shelf. It is a wonderful story about an elf that hides each day throughout the holiday season in a different spot throughout your home. The elf that comes with the book has jobs! His jobs? He uses his magic each night to report to Santa about all the nice things (or naughty) things we do and also shares your Christmas wishes with Santa. Each morning when we wake up he is hiding in a new spot. How fun...instant hide-n-seek! We also had to name him. After 30 minutes we combined 14 different names to St. Quiggly. (Don't ask. I think we are soon to rename him.)
The cherubs are TOTALLY into this. They all race around looking for him in the morning. Cherub 1 is writing a book report about the book because she loves it so much. Cherub 2 draws pictures of St. Quiggly all the time and constantly walks up to him, shows him the pictures, whispers his xmas wishes to him and says hi and goodnight. Cherub 3 just freaks out with excitement when we talk about him.
The best part. "St. Quiggly is watching you!" That is what I hear all day/night. They are self monitoring themselves (and each other) and actually are doing nice things for each other because St. Q is reporting directly to the big guy.
I highly recommend this new tradition for anyone who has little or big ones that relish in the Christmas spirit (or for those who need someone to report to the big guy!).
kagraham13@comcast.netWe named ours Buddy after the elf in Elf
Where can I get one?????
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