Here are just a few of the funnies from vacation...
Three Degrees- Pops was trying to help cherub 1 find her missing pocketbook at one point over the vacation. He told me he would look in my van. Before walking out the door he asked if it was locked. We determined that he drove it last so it must be. His response sums up the three degrees of us:
*If I (meaning him) drive it it is locked.
*If you drive it it is unlocked.
*If hubby drives it the keys would be in the car.
Nana wears a Cape. So she tells the cherubs over vacation. Super Nana-she can make kids obey their mommies. Despite all odds. Cherub's 1&3 looked at her with awe and respect. Cherub 2 giggled and said 'ooooooo' while waving his arms. Superhero or not, he is unfazed.
Potluck Surprise-each night while attempting to help with dinner (or cook dinner) I reheated various leftovers from the previous night's meal to add to the current menu. Tired mommy consistently left the reheated leftovers in the microwave. Never to be served. Each day Nana giggled wondering what treasure she would find in the microwave when she went to heat her coffee in the am.
We are all weird. While on vaca, cherub 2 heard a woman speaking French. He turned to me and asked, "Wadbadabawha? What does that mean?" Sometimes we forget that everything is new to them. I explained she was speaking French similar to Dora speaking Spanish. He said she sounded weird. I assured him that he sounded weird to her too.
Love from Mom?- One day, cherub 1 asked me for a hug. Now, she is recently showing rapid signs of growing up which seems to include less public affection. I thought oh, how sweet and replied (much too excitedly) sure! With an OVERSIZED grin she announced 'A Hug, the drink.' She then giggled at me! Once a year, only on vacation we buy these 'vacation' juices. They are loaded with sugar, hence the once a year. The brand name, Hugs. Duped.
Literally Speaking- Member those old fashioned vacuums, the ones that don't turn on. They simply 'sweep' the rug. Well, the beach house has one of these and the cherubs were obsessed. The first time cherub 2 tried to use it, Nana was trying to explain how it works. As he rolled it across the rug she asked, "See how you are picking it up?" Cherub 2 instantly picked up the actual roller and looked at it. She started giggling like I haven't heard her do in a while and clarified that IT was picking up the dirt.
Who Wins Most Rested?- The Green Monster. Everywhere you looked each day, cherub 3's very own Green Monster (build a bear) was napping. That is right. All tucked in and snoozing. Head on pillow, blankets covering himself. GM was better rested than mommy.
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