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Our life is full of wonderful, chaotic, blessed, hysterical, insane, magical, sad, scary, sweet, mind boggling, moments. While balancing life with 3 cherubs, parents, sisters, BIL, In-laws, 1 teaching career, and many good friends; I find that our life is moving far toooo fast. It is important to cherish and record the moments as we consistently try to balance our scale (God forbid I make a photo album)! MB

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Down Cape- Post Two

Since I didn't (want to) log on anymore during my vacation, here are some additional memories of our awesome week:

Boogie Bording with Pops (my dad)- I loved watching my dad enjoy the waves with the cherubs. It meant so much to see him overcome his medical issues of the past two years and enjoy himself!

40 Years and Strong- Went out to dinner to celebrate inlaws 40th wedding anniversary! It was so nice for MIL, FIL, SIL, BIL, Hubby and I to go out as 'adults' and enjoy (uninterrupted) adult conversations all together. It was lots of fun when MIL & FIL brought us down memory lane of their dating and engagement memories.

6-pack reunion- RLF's, G&T, visited all of us down the Cape. Many (many) moons ago we used to be together every weekend partaking in many drinks, laughs and whatnots. Now G&T live there, W&K live over there and hubby & I live here. You get it. So, the '6-pack' meets again. Fun to laugh together, get updated on our lives and let the kids play.

Living on the island- The beach we lived at for a week had many sand bars for the kids. It was awsome! For an hour and a half one afternoon cherub 1 and G&T's cherub 1 collected seashells on an 'island' by themselves. They loved it! Some of the other cherubs eventually joined them but they were so cute!

Hole in One- Mini golf is fun. Especially when everyone gets a hole in one. I almost died when cherub 3 dropped his pants on the side of the golf course and pee'd.

Helping the Economy- mom and I helped the economy one night. That's right, we helped the local economy on the Cape when we shopped at Life is Good, Black Dog and local stores. The shopping was good on the Cape! Nana bought cherub 1 the cutest pink Black Dog beach hat. So adorable.

Girlness- Speaking of shopping. Cherub 1 finally has hit girl status. That is right. I was somewhat worried b/c she has never showed ANY signs of girlness. Could care less if she was properly groomed, didn't shop, etc. Well now she want makeup (NOT), shopping and sometimes even combs her hair without asking. Girlness.

Collecting Jellies- I never thought I would hear the words "Hey mom, look at all the jellies (jelly fish) I caught!" Wha? One afternoon the water was loaded with jellies and sure enough, the cherubs thought it was awesome to catch them in buckets with their shovels. Ummm, ok. Be careful not to get stung!

Pooped out Kids- Bike rides and catching the waves poops out the cherubs. They slept like logs.

New Diet- beer, cookouts, cocktails, beach treats. On my detox from one week of the new diet. Need old diet back. :o)

More memories later...need sleep.

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