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Our life is full of wonderful, chaotic, blessed, hysterical, insane, magical, sad, scary, sweet, mind boggling, moments. While balancing life with 3 cherubs, parents, sisters, BIL, In-laws, 1 teaching career, and many good friends; I find that our life is moving far toooo fast. It is important to cherish and record the moments as we consistently try to balance our scale (God forbid I make a photo album)! MB

Saturday, April 26, 2008

New Rule

We were originally supposed to be in the city tonight with my girls and their hubbies. Made plans a long time ago to enjoy the triple D. Dinner, drinking and dancing to our favorite 80's band. Check out the link below while picturing lots of leg warmers, rainbow short shorts and big hoops (not on us, on the members of the band!). I know we have serious issues!

Since we are slaves to our children's social calendars, cherub 2's tball game interrupted all our plans. I emailed them from vacation to let them know that we would never be able to make dinner on time. Since I had a higher than normal sleep deprivation issue going on (check into TX posts on the why) going into the city was not going to happen at 9pm for me.

Not all fun was lost for Friday night. Other good friends of ours asked at the beginning of the week for hubby and I to join them for dinner on Friday. My original plan of asking them to join us for the triple D was shot since we weren't going, hence a 'local' dinner was confirmed. Since leaving later didn't hinder our ability to go out locally (and stay awake until we got there-God we are SO old) AND we had a sitter, out we trotted at 9pm.

Ok, K, this is where the decoding starts.

CYFA. That is right. Despite the many warning signs that their was a birthday happening (lottery tickets falling out of my menu, somber G, and his gullibility when I told him on the phone I was his escort service about to arrive) NEITHER hubby nor I realized it was G's bday. When you are out for dinner, drinking margaritas, laughing (and did I say drinking margaritas) with friends for at least HALF the night, and NONEof them bailed us out when hubby & I didn't realized the date, it is bad! Needless to say, we instituted a new rule.

New rule. CYFA.
Cover Your Friend's Ass (get your mind out of the gutter)
Yes, TELL someone, flatout that they are a loser and didn't pick up on the hints. SAVE THEM THE EMBARRASSMENT!

HBDay G, we love ya! How could we forget G's bday? It ALWAYS fell on spring weekend at WSC (dah, now). Since he was our campus cop (scary), and PREFERRED to spend his bday working (why?) we used to drink (heavily) and chase his cop car and scream "Happy Bday G, stop working and come driiiiiink with us!" So sad.

All our humiliation was worth it to see hubby stand up, stomped and clap to the beat while singing (really loudly) his Chi Chi's Mexican restaurant version of hbday! Brought back memories. The night I met him, he had on his Chi Chi's uniform. Ooooo, so sexy! G, how could you ask for a better present than that?

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