Officially, this weekend is a blur. We think we had fun! We started tball, soccer, took down a tree, 1 kid with strep, shared visit with inlaws, did taxes, laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, dance pictures (big deal, makeup, bun (this is a whole post on its own etc) a little wine for good measure, babysitting and worked. I have some cute pictures to post but I can't find the cord that hooks my camera to the computer. Later on that.
During that whole time we were worried b/c Big Sis was brought to the ER this morning because she has been vomiting since last Wed! They hydrated her, gave her anti-nausea medicine and called it a virus. We all determined that they call EVERYTHING a virus these days.
However, we are truly thankful she is back at home and getting a little better per BIL. I am looking forward to talking to her Monday to know she is gaining strength.
I am blurry-eyed caused by the blur. Off to bed I go.
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