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Our life is full of wonderful, chaotic, blessed, hysterical, insane, magical, sad, scary, sweet, mind boggling, moments. While balancing life with 3 cherubs, parents, sisters, BIL, In-laws, 1 teaching career, and many good friends; I find that our life is moving far toooo fast. It is important to cherish and record the moments as we consistently try to balance our scale (God forbid I make a photo album)! MB

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Run, Run, Run

**Note** Completely unflattering pose of me (on right) with sistas outta control in old, baggy sweatshirt. Why, oh why did I forget my running jacket at home?? GREAT pic of BabySis (on left)! You go girl!!

A beautiful day for a road race! BabySis & I ran a charity road race today to benefit Breast Cancer. Here are our (typical) antics for the day:

*running our usual 15 or so min behind, put the "pedal to the metal" to arrive on time (yes we still live in the 80's)
*rely on the force to get there cuz we aren't so good with directions
*lock ourselves out of the car
*figure out a way in
*ran in the "flat,flat,flat" 5K road race (Margie lied!)
*renamed the road race "The Rolling Hills of NH" cuz it WASN'T so FLAT!
*our heads remained DOWN during the hills so we "couldn't see them"
*enjoyed the peaceful, colonial style atmosphere
*tried to keep up with twin of "Airbud",dog from the movie, who rocked the race
*tried to keep up with BabySis who didn't break a sweat
*got giddy when BabySis won a prize of cute basket with water bottle and candy
*cracked up when I won, appropriately, a "wine diaper", ahem, wine cooler (pic below)
*cured our caffeine withdrawal headaches with coffee and breakfast after race

As a person that is BLESSED to have TWO wonderful sisters, I cherish these days. Days that I can spend uninterrupted time with one of them, catching up, giggling and creating bonding memories. Love you BabySis!

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