I was always say, hubby is amazing. He fixes everything, installs anything, builds many things. When we bought our first home in 1997(!) hubby took down a wall, put a hole in our house (to put in a slider), among many other things. Over the years (and in our 5 homes), hubby has self-taught himself plumbing, electricity (some scary moments there), flooring, etc. You name it, he has probably tried it. I used to ask, "why can't we just hire someone?" It was awesome he could do anything but it took us longer to get through all our projects. He is the type that would not hire a plumber to do something he could try himself- not unless his entire house was flooding.
I have learned to appreciate and admire his can-do-anything trait. I understand that he loves the challenge and I have learned alot from him. I am NOT being sarcastic, I really mean that. Seriously.
Our most recent project was replacing our master bathroom toilet. He has done this in the past many times with no problems. (Remember, cherub 2 used to flush binkies, matchbox cars, etc down our toilet ALL the time.) This toilet project, projected to be easy, was kind of a nightmare. Here is how it played out:
~ Take off old toilet.
~ Install new one.
~ New one leaked.
~ Start over. Three times.
~ Change cap.
~ This doesn't help.
~ Become frustrated and leave bathroom project for weeks.
~ Do not seal the cap.
~ Find HUNDREDS of gross bugs in bathroom.
~ Realize they are from the poop pipe. Freak out.
~ Watch hubby freak out.
~ Hubby did not get rid of them. I had to.
~ Curse hubby. Three times.
~ I sterilize home. At least three times.
~ Hubby caps pipe and announces that "that must be why they should be capped".
~ Sigh. Agree.
~ Last weekend, hubby motivates and tries again.
~ Succeeds!!
~ Master bathroom in working, clean order.
~ Vow never to leave another cap off.
Here is a pic of hubby last weekend lowering the new toilet down. Cherub 3 was helping him "guide" it to the right place. I was laughing that his 6 year old was the guidance chip in the master plan.
Other than the leaving the bugs to me, I am very thankful for hubby & the bathroom!
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