MIL was tested in hospital b/c she had been sick for weeks. She was treated for a blood/kidney infection and changed one of her medications. Thankfully, she is feeling awesome again. (Ahem. Next time, we have to go to go to the doc RIGHT away when we aren't feeling good. And yes, I know I will be trouble for posting that!) :o)
BIL, in his quest to outdo her, was hospitalized when they thought he had a heart attack the same day. After two days of testing they went from heart attack to virus around heart to another cause (still unclear as to the cause-getting the scoop when we head to The Cape today).
Cherub 1 had a very bad case of strep throat. She was out of school almost all week.
Thank you for my beautiful flowers...RLF's C&C. Absolutely beautiful! Cheered me right up out of my fog. I am very blessed to have my second set of sistas!
This week:
I have a UTI (too much information-sorry). Not life threatening at all but very painful. Meds make me nauseous~that stinks. (Now it is the day before Father's Day and I have not a stitch to give to anyone. Gotta jump start through my UTI haze and shop!)
Hubby traveled all week. (AND after being gone all week will now be heading out for an all day golf tournament. Which...he SHOULD go to and have fun. He needs fun too. Somehow in my UTI haze...I am not feeling so generous.)
Middle nephew broke his wrist. (Although he is sporting a new, cool, green cast; casts don't mesh with summer, swimming and baseball.)
They found a stress fracture in my dad's knee. (Not sure of details yet.)
In BigSis's words, "Enough already."
(Feels so much better to get that all out.)
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