Summer has begun. You can tell because I have NO time to blog, my cherubs have moved past the 'honeymoon' stage of being home together (aka, lots.of.fighting) and on the flip side, we are all just a ton more relaxed.
After finally feeling better from a two week struggle with a UTI, I was relieved to feel normal on Friday, the first day of the cherubs summer vacation. To celebrate, we had a spontaneous Friday Night Neighborhood Happy Hour. We celebrated 'summer' with neighbors for "just one drink". Yay, right! We spent some time wondering if koozies can actually make our butts look big, if corners can come in all shapes and sizes and if it is actually possible to stop BEFORE 2:30am...lots of laughs! Calling it quits around 11pm was a necessity this week only because hubby & I had to be in tip top shape for Saturday night. Where...
We kicked off the summer in style, going to Buffet with RLFs G&T. We tailgated in their garage for 3 hours due to the torrential rain and HAIL storms that we were having! But hey, we had a cooler full of beer, parrot juice, many appetizers, and good friends. What else could we ask for? We traditionally tailgated on site when the storms passed and danced our tooties off during the concert. We were officially wasting away in Margaritaville. :o) I was convinced all night that our newly found parrot juice was our new summer drink, until dawn, when I woke up justalittlehungover. But it was sure a blast! (Pictures of hail, friends, crazy tailgating stuff and more to come.)
Buffet sings, "Come Monday, it'll be alright." However, Monday came and it was still raining. We persevere. We played games, read library books, did ALOT of crafts and snuck outside as soon as the rain subsided. Each time. Since the honeymoon was over quick for the cherubs during their, so far, rainy vacation, I was hoping an unplanned outing would remind them they CAN have fun together. Relieved when the rain disappeared for a few hours after dinner, we headed out to play tennis, basketball and have fun on the play ground at one of our local schools. We had SO much fun and it worked. The cherubs giggled, played together and GOT ALONG. Amazing, I know.
This morning I made the mistake of taking all three cherubs to Walmart. What was I thinking? Enough said. Shopping 101, do it alone.
Aside from shopping, I do love summer vacation. As the cherubs get older, moms only get the snippets of moments. In my case, that means the before school (when they are sleepy and the rush is on to get to school on time), the after school (when they forced to do homework yet just want to play) and the night time (when we have wonderful moments mixed in meltdowns resulting in the can't.take.another.second feeling we moms get). In the summer, we moms can take that break from the rush, the packing of lunches, the schedules and treasure what time we are given with our cherubs. We can run out and play tennis, go on a hike, ride bikes, do crafts, just be. Together.
Here's to together. (Will update with pics soon.)
- In (Not So) Perfect Balance
- Our life is full of wonderful, chaotic, blessed, hysterical, insane, magical, sad, scary, sweet, mind boggling, moments. While balancing life with 3 cherubs, parents, sisters, BIL, In-laws, 1 teaching career, and many good friends; I find that our life is moving far toooo fast. It is important to cherish and record the moments as we consistently try to balance our scale (God forbid I make a photo album)! MB
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Happy Bday Mom!
Mom stands for courage.
Mom stands for love.
Mom stands for strength.
Mom stands for acceptance.
Mom stands for friend.
Mom stands for grace.
Mom stands for beauty.
Mom stands for funny.
Mom stands for stories.
Mom stands for kindness.
Mom stands for selflessness.
Happy Birthday Mom! We love you more than a zillion chocolate covered mountains!
Mom stands for love.
Mom stands for strength.
Mom stands for acceptance.
Mom stands for friend.
Mom stands for grace.
Mom stands for beauty.
Mom stands for funny.
Mom stands for stories.
Mom stands for kindness.
Mom stands for selflessness.
Happy Birthday Mom! We love you more than a zillion chocolate covered mountains!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
On Father's Day
Our caretaker
Their Dad & hero
My soul mate
Warrior, comedian, best-friend
Our rock
Their Pops & biggest fan
My hero
Gentlemen, confidant, heart-so-big
Our "caiva"
Their Grampy & camping buddy
My friend
Gentlemen, comedian, heart-so-big
Our caretaker
Their Dad & hero
My soul mate
Warrior, comedian, best-friend
Our rock
Their Pops & biggest fan
My hero
Gentlemen, confidant, heart-so-big
Our "caiva"
Their Grampy & camping buddy
My friend
Gentlemen, comedian, heart-so-big
Saturday, June 20, 2009
It is supposed to come in 3's not 6's.
Last week:
MIL was tested in hospital b/c she had been sick for weeks. She was treated for a blood/kidney infection and changed one of her medications. Thankfully, she is feeling awesome again. (Ahem. Next time, we have to go to go to the doc RIGHT away when we aren't feeling good. And yes, I know I will be trouble for posting that!) :o)
BIL, in his quest to outdo her, was hospitalized when they thought he had a heart attack the same day. After two days of testing they went from heart attack to virus around heart to another cause (still unclear as to the cause-getting the scoop when we head to The Cape today).
Cherub 1 had a very bad case of strep throat. She was out of school almost all week.
Thank you for my beautiful flowers...RLF's C&C. Absolutely beautiful! Cheered me right up out of my fog. I am very blessed to have my second set of sistas!

This week:
I have a UTI (too much information-sorry). Not life threatening at all but very painful. Meds make me nauseous~that stinks. (Now it is the day before Father's Day and I have not a stitch to give to anyone. Gotta jump start through my UTI haze and shop!)
Hubby traveled all week. (AND after being gone all week will now be heading out for an all day golf tournament. Which...he SHOULD go to and have fun. He needs fun too. Somehow in my UTI haze...I am not feeling so generous.)
Middle nephew broke his wrist. (Although he is sporting a new, cool, green cast; casts don't mesh with summer, swimming and baseball.)
They found a stress fracture in my dad's knee. (Not sure of details yet.)
In BigSis's words, "Enough already."
(Feels so much better to get that all out.)
MIL was tested in hospital b/c she had been sick for weeks. She was treated for a blood/kidney infection and changed one of her medications. Thankfully, she is feeling awesome again. (Ahem. Next time, we have to go to go to the doc RIGHT away when we aren't feeling good. And yes, I know I will be trouble for posting that!) :o)
BIL, in his quest to outdo her, was hospitalized when they thought he had a heart attack the same day. After two days of testing they went from heart attack to virus around heart to another cause (still unclear as to the cause-getting the scoop when we head to The Cape today).
Cherub 1 had a very bad case of strep throat. She was out of school almost all week.
Thank you for my beautiful flowers...RLF's C&C. Absolutely beautiful! Cheered me right up out of my fog. I am very blessed to have my second set of sistas!
This week:
I have a UTI (too much information-sorry). Not life threatening at all but very painful. Meds make me nauseous~that stinks. (Now it is the day before Father's Day and I have not a stitch to give to anyone. Gotta jump start through my UTI haze and shop!)
Hubby traveled all week. (AND after being gone all week will now be heading out for an all day golf tournament. Which...he SHOULD go to and have fun. He needs fun too. Somehow in my UTI haze...I am not feeling so generous.)
Middle nephew broke his wrist. (Although he is sporting a new, cool, green cast; casts don't mesh with summer, swimming and baseball.)
They found a stress fracture in my dad's knee. (Not sure of details yet.)
In BigSis's words, "Enough already."
(Feels so much better to get that all out.)
Friday, June 19, 2009
Good Advice
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Ever want to be a fly on the wall? Today I wanted to be there...on that first grade wall. Cherub 2 had his "talent show" today in class. The kids could do anything: sing, dance, perform magic, tell jokes. Mr. Rhythm was gonna dance.
For those that have never met cherub 2, he SO has rhythm. Clearly takes after hubby. He loves to put on "rock and roll" and dance. His dancing is like a half rap, half break dance. He is hysterical.
He jumped off the bus this afternoon and told me, "Mom, my friends told me mine was the best." He's modest too.
For those that have never met cherub 2, he SO has rhythm. Clearly takes after hubby. He loves to put on "rock and roll" and dance. His dancing is like a half rap, half break dance. He is hysterical.
He jumped off the bus this afternoon and told me, "Mom, my friends told me mine was the best." He's modest too.
Display of Love
As the school year winds down, the cherubs are bringing home all their work from the year. Each has brought home an awesome art portfolio. We love seeing all their creative pieces. This reminds me of five years ago when...
Cherub 1 had brought home all her beautiful art work. The home we lived in at the time had an office with (grody, old fashioned, but in good shape) wide, bead board walls. It was a room we never got around to sprucing up. I came home from a day with the girls and hubby had NAILED each and EVERY piece of cherub 1's art pieces to the wall.
Now, before you go, "Ohhh, that is SO sweet!", stop. He NAILED them, haphazardly, into the wall creating about FIFTY holes in the wall. So, instead of a wonderful, artful display, it looked like crap. However, it looked more like crap when we took them all down to show the house. Yup, those 50 holes in the wall looked GREAT.
It wasn't funny then but somehow, looking back, I can see his sweetness and his intentions. I love that hubby loves his cherubs and wants to display his pride for their work~ even in his haphazard fashion.
I will be in charge of hanging the artwork in our new home. :o)
Cherub 1 had brought home all her beautiful art work. The home we lived in at the time had an office with (grody, old fashioned, but in good shape) wide, bead board walls. It was a room we never got around to sprucing up. I came home from a day with the girls and hubby had NAILED each and EVERY piece of cherub 1's art pieces to the wall.
Now, before you go, "Ohhh, that is SO sweet!", stop. He NAILED them, haphazardly, into the wall creating about FIFTY holes in the wall. So, instead of a wonderful, artful display, it looked like crap. However, it looked more like crap when we took them all down to show the house. Yup, those 50 holes in the wall looked GREAT.
It wasn't funny then but somehow, looking back, I can see his sweetness and his intentions. I love that hubby loves his cherubs and wants to display his pride for their work~ even in his haphazard fashion.
I will be in charge of hanging the artwork in our new home. :o)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
That Sappy Stuff
What is it with first kisses? When a mans hands gently hold a woman's face and slowly begins to kiss her. Eyes closed. Gently. Romantic moment at its best.
I am a sucker for sappy movies and my soap opera. When hubby travels I tune into all the romantic chic flicks and my dvr'd Guiding Light episodes. I am sure that he would appreciate the fact that I don't torture him. :o)
This week:
The Bachelorette (disappointing this week)
Grey's Anatomy-rerun of finale-Izzie's wedding
Two Week's Notice
Guiding Light
And it's only Wednesday.
All time favorites:
The Notebook
(I just know I am missing one...)
I am a sucker for sappy movies and my soap opera. When hubby travels I tune into all the romantic chic flicks and my dvr'd Guiding Light episodes. I am sure that he would appreciate the fact that I don't torture him. :o)
This week:
The Bachelorette (disappointing this week)
Grey's Anatomy-rerun of finale-Izzie's wedding
Two Week's Notice
Guiding Light
And it's only Wednesday.
All time favorites:
The Notebook
(I just know I am missing one...)
The Lottery
Each year in science the cherubs study little creatures and plants. They are always bringing home plants at the end of their science unit for us to (kill) ahem, take care of and nurture. Each year when the permission slip comes home and one of the cherubs begs, 'can I take home a snail,crab,frog,guppy...' I never sign it.
This year, I signed. I must be going soft. Cherub 1 went into a lottery for a frog and cherub 2 for snails. (I am not totally crazy, I said no to the crabs. Hello? They smell wicked bad!) I figured with 28 and 22 kids in a class respectively, we probably wouldn't get picked.
We are now the proud owners of two skittish little frogs and 4 snails.
Guess who feeds them?
This year, I signed. I must be going soft. Cherub 1 went into a lottery for a frog and cherub 2 for snails. (I am not totally crazy, I said no to the crabs. Hello? They smell wicked bad!) I figured with 28 and 22 kids in a class respectively, we probably wouldn't get picked.
We are now the proud owners of two skittish little frogs and 4 snails.
Guess who feeds them?
What's the Magic Number?
Sixteen is the magic number in our house. Basically anytime cherub 1 used to ask me when she can do something, my response is 'when you are 16'. That is right, 16 for wearing makeup, getting earrings, driving- you get the picture. (Zip it-I know I am living in a dreamworld.)
Today, cherub 3 asked me, "Mom, how old will I be when I get married? Will I be 16?"
After I explained that people get married at different ages but definitely NOT when they are 16. Clearly I need a new magic number. Onwards and upwards.
Today, cherub 3 asked me, "Mom, how old will I be when I get married? Will I be 16?"
After I explained that people get married at different ages but definitely NOT when they are 16. Clearly I need a new magic number. Onwards and upwards.
Monday, June 15, 2009
June 13th~ Happy Birthday Cherub 2!
Happy Birthday buddy. I love you more than a zillion chocolate covered mountains! Seven? How did that happen?
SEVEN reasons I love you:
1)Every morning you wake up filled with sunshine, song, and smiles. You truly wake up with full expectations that you will have a great day. Every day.
2)You can brighten anyone's darkest days with your goof ball humor.
3)Your air guitar skills rival those of your favorite band, KISS.
4)Your heart is SO BIG, it loves so much. You love your family, friends, hobbies, pets, stuff...all SO much. You openly show your love. You wear your emotions on your sleeve (just like me).
5)You are predictable, right down to your every little ocd habit.
6)You are a homebody, a mini-Daddy, and a momma's boy.
7)You amaze me with your strength, kindness, humor, creativity, happiness.
SEVEN adjectives that describe you:
6)Super smart
SEVEN reasons the first six years may have seemed long (oh come on, I must share my humor with my little guy who is filled with humor himself):
1)You like to stay up late and wake often during the night.
2)At any moment I would find your name, written with a sharpie, on a wall-or door.
3)That twinkle in your eye was a dead give away to trouble.
4)I had poison control on speed dial because you got into EVERYTHING.
5)You have a system for everything. A little invisible ocd schedule. If I mess with it...a tantrum was inevitable.
6)If I said left. You said right.
7)You officially broke at least half of cherub 1's toys or trophies. I had to lock her room for about a year.
Here are some pics from your special day!
You requested "to sleep in while mommy works really hard to make pancakes like we made her on Mother's Day". Daddy made the pancakes, you decorated them, and we all had fun. :o)

Tech Deck Dudes were your favorite gifts (little funny looking skate board dudes that go skate boarding on cool ramps).

Just hanging around!

Slip N Slide with sis, bro, & neighborhood buddies!

After your big game we took you out for your favorite meal, spaghetti & meatballs!

Make a wish (for the second time that day)!

We love you buddy!
SEVEN reasons I love you:
1)Every morning you wake up filled with sunshine, song, and smiles. You truly wake up with full expectations that you will have a great day. Every day.
2)You can brighten anyone's darkest days with your goof ball humor.
3)Your air guitar skills rival those of your favorite band, KISS.
4)Your heart is SO BIG, it loves so much. You love your family, friends, hobbies, pets, stuff...all SO much. You openly show your love. You wear your emotions on your sleeve (just like me).
5)You are predictable, right down to your every little ocd habit.
6)You are a homebody, a mini-Daddy, and a momma's boy.
7)You amaze me with your strength, kindness, humor, creativity, happiness.
SEVEN adjectives that describe you:
6)Super smart
SEVEN reasons the first six years may have seemed long (oh come on, I must share my humor with my little guy who is filled with humor himself):
1)You like to stay up late and wake often during the night.
2)At any moment I would find your name, written with a sharpie, on a wall-or door.
3)That twinkle in your eye was a dead give away to trouble.
4)I had poison control on speed dial because you got into EVERYTHING.
5)You have a system for everything. A little invisible ocd schedule. If I mess with it...a tantrum was inevitable.
6)If I said left. You said right.
7)You officially broke at least half of cherub 1's toys or trophies. I had to lock her room for about a year.
Here are some pics from your special day!
You requested "to sleep in while mommy works really hard to make pancakes like we made her on Mother's Day". Daddy made the pancakes, you decorated them, and we all had fun. :o)
Tech Deck Dudes were your favorite gifts (little funny looking skate board dudes that go skate boarding on cool ramps).
Just hanging around!
Slip N Slide with sis, bro, & neighborhood buddies!
After your big game we took you out for your favorite meal, spaghetti & meatballs!
Make a wish (for the second time that day)!
We love you buddy!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
It's Funny
It's funny because I am not very funny lately. I need to find the funnies again. Maybe some sleep would help?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Daily Funnies
Cherub 2 played against one of cherub 1's best buddies tonight in baseball. Best buddies dad approached cherub 2 after and jokingly asked,
Best Bud Dad: Hey, do you know (insert name of cherub 3)?
Cherub 2: (States with true excitement) (insert name of) cherub 3?
Best Bud Dad: Ya.
Cherub 2: Nope, never heard of him.
Wise guy.
Much to the moms chagrin, the ice cream truck is at EVERY baseball game. When you have three kids, you can't buy them ice cream all the time. Why? Cuz it is EXPENSIVE. So, I told them to stop whining every time they see it and I would surprise them with a 'yes' some night to their question, 'can we get ice cream?' Tonight however, I only had $6 on me and I didn't think it was enough so the answer was no. Tears, tantrums. The works. Then cherub 2 won the game ball! The perfect night to celebrate. They were thrilled with the new answer of 'yes' and I was thrilled that they had ice cream offered for $2-which stopped the WHINING.
Cherub 3 told me while we were driving in the car that his teacher told them that we weren't "oppostu" to roll down the windows in the car. I asked him why and he answered, "I don't know that is what I learned in school, you aren't "oppostu" roll them down. (I love when they mispronounce- "oppostu"= supposed to.
Best Bud Dad: Hey, do you know (insert name of cherub 3)?
Cherub 2: (States with true excitement) (insert name of) cherub 3?
Best Bud Dad: Ya.
Cherub 2: Nope, never heard of him.
Wise guy.
Much to the moms chagrin, the ice cream truck is at EVERY baseball game. When you have three kids, you can't buy them ice cream all the time. Why? Cuz it is EXPENSIVE. So, I told them to stop whining every time they see it and I would surprise them with a 'yes' some night to their question, 'can we get ice cream?' Tonight however, I only had $6 on me and I didn't think it was enough so the answer was no. Tears, tantrums. The works. Then cherub 2 won the game ball! The perfect night to celebrate. They were thrilled with the new answer of 'yes' and I was thrilled that they had ice cream offered for $2-which stopped the WHINING.
Cherub 3 told me while we were driving in the car that his teacher told them that we weren't "oppostu" to roll down the windows in the car. I asked him why and he answered, "I don't know that is what I learned in school, you aren't "oppostu" roll them down. (I love when they mispronounce- "oppostu"= supposed to.
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