Cherub 1- Slow & Steady Wins the Race
Cherub 1 stood at the stop of the bunny hill for an eternity before starting. Hubby tried everything. Gentle coaxing, a little nudge, tough love. Finally he called me to come pick her up (remember in cast=no ski for me). I drove to the slopes (12 min from our home) and arrived to find cherub 1 going down the bunny slope cautiously holding on to hubby for dear life. We figure she thought to herself, (oh, he called mom...I can do it before she gets here). After watching 3 more runs like this I yelled, 'Let go!' She nodded 'no way'. Two more. 'Let go!' Nodded, 'no way'! One more. 'Hubby, let go of her!' He did. She very carefully made her way down the mountain with an OMG I did it grin! So cute. The rest of the day, up, down, up, down, up, down, begging for more and asking if we can buy her some skis. Hmmm, lets make sure we like it more than once. ;o)
Cherub 2-Rocket Man
In pure rocket man style, cherub 2 put skiis on, went up the little conveyor belt on the bunny slope and simply did. He figured it out, as all sports, on his own. Hubby said he literally went up, flew down, went up, flew down, etc. After a morning on the bunny slopes, he spent an afternoon with hubby on the intermediate trails. When back on the bunny trail, he was doing little jumping moves as if he was pretending to be on a jump. He loves racing his brother down! When asking him how it was, his animated response of 'AWESOME! I almost flew into the trees once!' is what I got. He wants to go all the time and wanted to confirm that it was an actual sport. My little competitor. ;o)

(next pic: he was using dad's pole to 'change things up' cause he was bored with the bunny slope. he was waving them hysterically screaming 'hi mom'!)
Cherub 3- Literal Man
Side to side, side to side. You can hear his swishing as he comes down the slope. Cherub 3 takes all directions literally and listened carefully as hubby told them how to ski. Skis stay parallel and swish from side to side. He comes down the mountain with grace, even as he races his big brother. Like cherub 2, he got on skis and literally dashed off. Mastering the bunny slope, attacking the intermediate trails. Only two little breakdowns. One due to age (little tantrum because half way through the day he wanted to switch to snowboarding-ummm-can't) and one because hubby took them on a black diamond trail by accident (not sure how he did this even though I heard the story 4 times now-DAH-can you say dangerous). Here is my little graceful gus (plus a tantrum pic for good measure).

(Cherubs going back for more after lunch!)
(Cherubs 2&3 at the top of the mountain!)

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