While watching the cherubs ski today, I made a quick list in my head of the always and the new things on the slopes.
There is always:
that one guy in shorts
those kids that could outski any adult
overpriced ($4) french fries at the snack bar
the perfect little ski bunny girls
a cool ski crew with matching jackets
that one cute guy on the cool ski crew
that one party girl on the ski crew they all gauk over
readers in the lodge
tantrums by cold toddlers
sun, rain, snow (sometimes all three)
a way to make a new friend easily (happy place)
fresh air
matching outfits- dressed to the hilts
non-matching outfits- just out to have fun
crazy hats
ice patches
groups of kids giggling
new things to me:
conveyor belt 'lift' (took place of t-bar)
kids checking in with their parents on cell phones
knitters in lodge
laptops-ers in lodge
skinny ski jackets (no more puffy)
- In (Not So) Perfect Balance
- Our life is full of wonderful, chaotic, blessed, hysterical, insane, magical, sad, scary, sweet, mind boggling, moments. While balancing life with 3 cherubs, parents, sisters, BIL, In-laws, 1 teaching career, and many good friends; I find that our life is moving far toooo fast. It is important to cherish and record the moments as we consistently try to balance our scale (God forbid I make a photo album)! MB
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Is Skiing a Sport?
This weekend, our cherubs got their first taste of skiing. True to their personalities, they started out as they are.
Cherub 1- Slow & Steady Wins the Race
Cherub 1 stood at the stop of the bunny hill for an eternity before starting. Hubby tried everything. Gentle coaxing, a little nudge, tough love. Finally he called me to come pick her up (remember in cast=no ski for me). I drove to the slopes (12 min from our home) and arrived to find cherub 1 going down the bunny slope cautiously holding on to hubby for dear life. We figure she thought to herself, (oh, he called mom...I can do it before she gets here). After watching 3 more runs like this I yelled, 'Let go!' She nodded 'no way'. Two more. 'Let go!' Nodded, 'no way'! One more. 'Hubby, let go of her!' He did. She very carefully made her way down the mountain with an OMG I did it grin! So cute. The rest of the day, up, down, up, down, up, down, begging for more and asking if we can buy her some skis. Hmmm, lets make sure we like it more than once. ;o)

Cherub 2-Rocket Man
In pure rocket man style, cherub 2 put skiis on, went up the little conveyor belt on the bunny slope and simply did. He figured it out, as all sports, on his own. Hubby said he literally went up, flew down, went up, flew down, etc. After a morning on the bunny slopes, he spent an afternoon with hubby on the intermediate trails. When back on the bunny trail, he was doing little jumping moves as if he was pretending to be on a jump. He loves racing his brother down! When asking him how it was, his animated response of 'AWESOME! I almost flew into the trees once!' is what I got. He wants to go all the time and wanted to confirm that it was an actual sport. My little competitor. ;o)

(next pic: he was using dad's pole to 'change things up' cause he was bored with the bunny slope. he was waving them hysterically screaming 'hi mom'!)

Cherub 3- Literal Man
Side to side, side to side. You can hear his swishing as he comes down the slope. Cherub 3 takes all directions literally and listened carefully as hubby told them how to ski. Skis stay parallel and swish from side to side. He comes down the mountain with grace, even as he races his big brother. Like cherub 2, he got on skis and literally dashed off. Mastering the bunny slope, attacking the intermediate trails. Only two little breakdowns. One due to age (little tantrum because half way through the day he wanted to switch to snowboarding-ummm-can't) and one because hubby took them on a black diamond trail by accident (not sure how he did this even though I heard the story 4 times now-DAH-can you say dangerous). Here is my little graceful gus (plus a tantrum pic for good measure).

(Cherubs going back for more after lunch!)

(Cherubs 2&3 at the top of the mountain!)
Cherub 1- Slow & Steady Wins the Race
Cherub 1 stood at the stop of the bunny hill for an eternity before starting. Hubby tried everything. Gentle coaxing, a little nudge, tough love. Finally he called me to come pick her up (remember in cast=no ski for me). I drove to the slopes (12 min from our home) and arrived to find cherub 1 going down the bunny slope cautiously holding on to hubby for dear life. We figure she thought to herself, (oh, he called mom...I can do it before she gets here). After watching 3 more runs like this I yelled, 'Let go!' She nodded 'no way'. Two more. 'Let go!' Nodded, 'no way'! One more. 'Hubby, let go of her!' He did. She very carefully made her way down the mountain with an OMG I did it grin! So cute. The rest of the day, up, down, up, down, up, down, begging for more and asking if we can buy her some skis. Hmmm, lets make sure we like it more than once. ;o)
Cherub 2-Rocket Man
In pure rocket man style, cherub 2 put skiis on, went up the little conveyor belt on the bunny slope and simply did. He figured it out, as all sports, on his own. Hubby said he literally went up, flew down, went up, flew down, etc. After a morning on the bunny slopes, he spent an afternoon with hubby on the intermediate trails. When back on the bunny trail, he was doing little jumping moves as if he was pretending to be on a jump. He loves racing his brother down! When asking him how it was, his animated response of 'AWESOME! I almost flew into the trees once!' is what I got. He wants to go all the time and wanted to confirm that it was an actual sport. My little competitor. ;o)

(next pic: he was using dad's pole to 'change things up' cause he was bored with the bunny slope. he was waving them hysterically screaming 'hi mom'!)
Cherub 3- Literal Man
Side to side, side to side. You can hear his swishing as he comes down the slope. Cherub 3 takes all directions literally and listened carefully as hubby told them how to ski. Skis stay parallel and swish from side to side. He comes down the mountain with grace, even as he races his big brother. Like cherub 2, he got on skis and literally dashed off. Mastering the bunny slope, attacking the intermediate trails. Only two little breakdowns. One due to age (little tantrum because half way through the day he wanted to switch to snowboarding-ummm-can't) and one because hubby took them on a black diamond trail by accident (not sure how he did this even though I heard the story 4 times now-DAH-can you say dangerous). Here is my little graceful gus (plus a tantrum pic for good measure).

(Cherubs going back for more after lunch!)
(Cherubs 2&3 at the top of the mountain!)

Friday, February 20, 2009
Pet Heaven
OMG, a gruesome discovery. Petey III (our bird) is dead. We were cleaning/sterilizing the house (AGAIN since 4 our of 5 of us have had a version of the flu this week) and cherub 2 went to dust the windowsill that Petey's cage sits on...then he screamed!
As much as I didn't want or need a bird, I still sobbed as I held cherub 1, while she sobbed. I feel so bad that she is so sad! Cherub 2 is 'nervous' asking what happens to Petey now. Cherub 3 said, "I loved Petey. I am sad he is DEAD.' I assured all of them that Petey is now is Pet Heaven just like Sully, Muffin (my family dogs), Mindy, Oreo (hubby's family dogs) and all the other pets.
I am still trying to figure out when she died (yes, Petey is a she/don't ask) b/c she was chirping all week. I was sick yesterday so I can't remember if she was chirping away as usual? Petey is awaiting burial in a shoe box, (placed in by tongs that will now be tossed which btw was a gruesome process that made me giggle out of nervousness and made the boys laugh hysterically) covered by paper towel 'blankets'.
As much as I didn't want or need a bird, I still sobbed as I held cherub 1, while she sobbed. I feel so bad that she is so sad! Cherub 2 is 'nervous' asking what happens to Petey now. Cherub 3 said, "I loved Petey. I am sad he is DEAD.' I assured all of them that Petey is now is Pet Heaven just like Sully, Muffin (my family dogs), Mindy, Oreo (hubby's family dogs) and all the other pets.
I am still trying to figure out when she died (yes, Petey is a she/don't ask) b/c she was chirping all week. I was sick yesterday so I can't remember if she was chirping away as usual? Petey is awaiting burial in a shoe box, (placed in by tongs that will now be tossed which btw was a gruesome process that made me giggle out of nervousness and made the boys laugh hysterically) covered by paper towel 'blankets'.
Thank you RLF, Kelley for the awesome cartoon posted over to the left. For all who know cherub 2, that little one resembles him. :o)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Ever notice how "in touch" we are now? You can reach me by calling my home, cell, texting me, email, and facebooking me. If you still somehow can't reach me you can read my blog to get an update. Sometimes don't you wish you were just a TAD unreachable? Hubby & I are planning our summer vacation with friends right now. One pure week of almost being out of touch. My favorite week of the year. Give me a beach, my family, a sturdy shovel...and leave my cell phone, obligations and calendar at home. I'll be dreaming of sand between my toes as I take on today's adventures.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Sleepover Sillys
Nephew3 is sleeping over tonight...
Nephew3 was innocently walking around my kitchen saying, "Get your peanuts!" like they do at the Sox games. Cherub's 3 response was, "Get your doodies!" (His made up word for poop.) So, what do you think he thought nephew3 was REALLY saying? Sorry cherub 3, nephew3 was not being inappropriate.
I WIN! With three boys ages 5,5,6 EVERYTHING is a race.
Playing Simon Says is hysterical. Always has been. With that said, it only took ONE round for cherub 2 to be told 'no inappropriate stuff!'. Newphew3: Simon Says touch your shirt. Cherub 2: While moving his shirt in circles "ooo, look at my boobies!' They all took about 5 times being Simon while I was the judge. I took a turn as simon and went wicked fast and had them do silly things. Nephew3 exclaimed, "Wow, you do it WICKED FUN!" Flattery will get you everywhere.
7pm: Cherub3, "Mom can we go to bed now?" (WHA?) Me:"SURE!" The shortlived days when the going to bed is the funnest part of having a sleepover. At this age it is such a novelty to sleep in a sleeping bag. Take it while you can get it!
Nephew3 was innocently walking around my kitchen saying, "Get your peanuts!" like they do at the Sox games. Cherub's 3 response was, "Get your doodies!" (His made up word for poop.) So, what do you think he thought nephew3 was REALLY saying? Sorry cherub 3, nephew3 was not being inappropriate.
I WIN! With three boys ages 5,5,6 EVERYTHING is a race.
Playing Simon Says is hysterical. Always has been. With that said, it only took ONE round for cherub 2 to be told 'no inappropriate stuff!'. Newphew3: Simon Says touch your shirt. Cherub 2: While moving his shirt in circles "ooo, look at my boobies!' They all took about 5 times being Simon while I was the judge. I took a turn as simon and went wicked fast and had them do silly things. Nephew3 exclaimed, "Wow, you do it WICKED FUN!" Flattery will get you everywhere.
7pm: Cherub3, "Mom can we go to bed now?" (WHA?) Me:"SURE!" The shortlived days when the going to bed is the funnest part of having a sleepover. At this age it is such a novelty to sleep in a sleeping bag. Take it while you can get it!
He always wanted his name in lights...
BIL wins a set of blinking lights for his forehead today that scream, "Me dad, not mom". Left to his own devices with his cherubs here are his short stories:
Start Saving for Therapy!
BigSis was taking nephew1&2 along with cherub 1 overnight tonight to her friends house. They were bringing the kids to an ICarly cooking class tomorrow. (Fun!) I have cherub 2&3 with nephew3 tonight. So...when nephews 1&2 were leaving, BIL told nephew3 that they were going to the dentist, overnight. So nephew3 will clearly be in dentist therapy before the age of 6. The poor kid now thinks if you don't take care of his teeth~you have to go to the OVERNIGHT dentist.
Which Bottle Is It?
When trying to give feverish nephew2 his motrin BIL 1)tried the PURPLE bottle, then nephew2 told him that wasn't it, 2)tried the RED bottle, then nephew2 told him that wasn't it. Before he could finish his medicine saga, BigSis interrupted his story and said 'how about trying the bottle that says MOTRIN!' She continued to tell him, "You are SO making the blog today!"
Start Saving for Therapy!
BigSis was taking nephew1&2 along with cherub 1 overnight tonight to her friends house. They were bringing the kids to an ICarly cooking class tomorrow. (Fun!) I have cherub 2&3 with nephew3 tonight. So...when nephews 1&2 were leaving, BIL told nephew3 that they were going to the dentist, overnight. So nephew3 will clearly be in dentist therapy before the age of 6. The poor kid now thinks if you don't take care of his teeth~you have to go to the OVERNIGHT dentist.
Which Bottle Is It?
When trying to give feverish nephew2 his motrin BIL 1)tried the PURPLE bottle, then nephew2 told him that wasn't it, 2)tried the RED bottle, then nephew2 told him that wasn't it. Before he could finish his medicine saga, BigSis interrupted his story and said 'how about trying the bottle that says MOTRIN!' She continued to tell him, "You are SO making the blog today!"
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Day 14
So, hubby has been amazing. It is day 14 of my ankle injury and he has had to do everything around here, on top of working. This week he has also had to clean out the rest of the old house because we close tomorrow. So, he is tired. I get it. I hope he knows how much I appreciate him. I have thanked him a million times...given him a really nice card.
The past 4 days I have been KILLING myself to walk (limp actually) around to do all the things I normally do. To take the pressure of him. There are some major limitations though. For example, I can do the laundry (if you bring it downstairs). I can fold it all (but you have to bring it upstairs-and put it away). I can pick up your messes (but it is EXHAUSTING and then it starts all over again). I still can't drive. I still can't bed down and get things off the floor.
So, this morning I was frustrated when I tripped on some clean laundry on our bedroom floor. Tripping on laundry while on crutches is kinda scary. It feels like you are going to go flying. So in my frustration, I blurted out something like "I am so sick of my house looking like this! I wish I could put it all away. Did you put these here?"
His response. "If you don't like it, why don't you just CRAWL AROUND and put it away yourself."
I actually wanted to trip him with my crutches so he would have to CRAWL AROUND. I guess he is done playing Mr. Mom...what do you think? Good thing I love him.
The past 4 days I have been KILLING myself to walk (limp actually) around to do all the things I normally do. To take the pressure of him. There are some major limitations though. For example, I can do the laundry (if you bring it downstairs). I can fold it all (but you have to bring it upstairs-and put it away). I can pick up your messes (but it is EXHAUSTING and then it starts all over again). I still can't drive. I still can't bed down and get things off the floor.
So, this morning I was frustrated when I tripped on some clean laundry on our bedroom floor. Tripping on laundry while on crutches is kinda scary. It feels like you are going to go flying. So in my frustration, I blurted out something like "I am so sick of my house looking like this! I wish I could put it all away. Did you put these here?"
His response. "If you don't like it, why don't you just CRAWL AROUND and put it away yourself."
I actually wanted to trip him with my crutches so he would have to CRAWL AROUND. I guess he is done playing Mr. Mom...what do you think? Good thing I love him.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Daily Top Ten
Top Ten Details of My Day that I know you'll be jealous of...
10. Riding in the car to drop off kids at school today felt like an OUTING.
9. While at orthopedic surgeons office today, cherub 1 PUKED.
8. The ankle's healing process is progressing too s.l.o.w.l.y. for doctor's liking.
7. So, he fit me for a 'boot cast' to wear if it was COMFORTABlE. On it goes.
6. Boot casts KILL if you have this particular injury. Off it went.
5. 780 boxes of Girl Scout cookies have invaded my dining room. Cookie mom.
4. Cherub 1 continued to puke. ALL day.
3. It's 8:22pm and I am exhausted from trying to WALK today.
2. Cherub 1's friend that she was with yesterday just came down with LICE.
1. Doc says I can drive, short distances, only if I have to. Hubby & I agree that I should stick to driving my wheelchair for the next couple of days.
10. Riding in the car to drop off kids at school today felt like an OUTING.
9. While at orthopedic surgeons office today, cherub 1 PUKED.
8. The ankle's healing process is progressing too s.l.o.w.l.y. for doctor's liking.
7. So, he fit me for a 'boot cast' to wear if it was COMFORTABlE. On it goes.
6. Boot casts KILL if you have this particular injury. Off it went.
5. 780 boxes of Girl Scout cookies have invaded my dining room. Cookie mom.
4. Cherub 1 continued to puke. ALL day.
3. It's 8:22pm and I am exhausted from trying to WALK today.
2. Cherub 1's friend that she was with yesterday just came down with LICE.
1. Doc says I can drive, short distances, only if I have to. Hubby & I agree that I should stick to driving my wheelchair for the next couple of days.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Daily Top Ten
Top Ten Reasons NOT to Run on the ICE~
10. Dah, it's slippery and you WILL fall.
9. There is such a thing as TOO MUCH tv.
8. Assisted showers are HUMILIATING.
7. A delay to the family vacation will be YOUR fault.
6. You will be INDEBTED to all those that help,help,help you.
5. You will wish you had a BETTER story to tell.
4. It will make you sad that you MISS doing the laundry.
3. Going down the stairs on your bum is NOT fun after the age of six.
2. Pain killers help you to sleep but you will MISS wine.
The number one reason NOT to run on the ICE~
1. Treadmills are SAFER.
10. Dah, it's slippery and you WILL fall.
9. There is such a thing as TOO MUCH tv.
8. Assisted showers are HUMILIATING.
7. A delay to the family vacation will be YOUR fault.
6. You will be INDEBTED to all those that help,help,help you.
5. You will wish you had a BETTER story to tell.
4. It will make you sad that you MISS doing the laundry.
3. Going down the stairs on your bum is NOT fun after the age of six.
2. Pain killers help you to sleep but you will MISS wine.
The number one reason NOT to run on the ICE~
1. Treadmills are SAFER.
Monday, February 2, 2009
There is a new limp in town.

I was outside, feet thumping on the pavement, cruising to Jimmy Buffet, meeting my goal of a 30 minute run.
Along came a car.
While getting out of the way, I slipped on the ice while running. Here is my REALLY swollen ankle. After an er & ortho visit, it is confirmed, no break. Just a 'severe sprain'. Orders to stay off of it. Possibly 2-6 week recovery. No walking or driving.
Yes, I have 3 kids.
Needless to say, I am going insane and my world is a little messy right now.
More later!
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