My photo
Our life is full of wonderful, chaotic, blessed, hysterical, insane, magical, sad, scary, sweet, mind boggling, moments. While balancing life with 3 cherubs, parents, sisters, BIL, In-laws, 1 teaching career, and many good friends; I find that our life is moving far toooo fast. It is important to cherish and record the moments as we consistently try to balance our scale (God forbid I make a photo album)! MB

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Is this what I was missing?

Guess what time I went to bed last night? 8:09pm. The cherubs having a snowday, playing referee, SNOWBLOWING in hubby's absence, and the usual chores while recovering from a throat infection

This morning, I felt like a new person. It is amazing what a little sleep will do for you. Is this what I have been missing all those years? All the sleepless baby nights, sleepless nights. If only I could go to bed at 8pm with the cherubs every night! I might always feel great, eat right, have a clear head, get stuff done, play referee WITHOUT losing my mind, live.

With all this sleep AND the kids back in school today, it is the bestdayeva.

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