Last week we learned first hand that life is fragile and sometimes too short. Much too short. A dear friend of our lost her dad too early in life and our hearts and prayers are with her and her family everyday to give them strength to find peace.
With such an emotional start to the week, it was like the cherubs could sense that the world was not in harmony. Aside from hubby being away 2/3 of the cherubs were 'off' all week. In addition, we were bidding on our latest nomad home. With the stress mounting higher and higher, I was more than relieved to see hubby walk through that door Thur night.
When re-living the week in my head now, I try to grasp onto the pearl-esque moments that strung the week together like a necklace.
Pearl-esque moments to cherish~
*When angry over my friends loss, a beautiful, true to the heart sermon from a priest tackled our anger, fears and doubts. He read my mind that I was questioning my faith and gave me that flicker I needed. Faith, hope, love.
*Thirteen really giggly Brownies (aka young girl scouts) making paper mache' pumpkins at our first meeting. They really got into making a mess!
*Cherub 1 entering the hulahoop contest at Fri nights Halloween party. Those hips were swinging!
*Cherub 2 almost made his first soccer goal in Saturday's game. He is a scrappy little fellow. Just like Daddy. We were screaming with cheers!
*Cherub 3 adopted Grampy's Frankenstein mask this weekend and loves scaring everyone!
*Spending precious times with friends Sat night. Laughing together, making sense of life together.
*Sharing a Sunday with both our families. We are blessed that my family and hubby's family gets along so well. Blessed to share our life together.
*Listening to cherub 2 read me a WHOLE book!
*Watching cherub 3 write the alphabet in lowercase. All proud.
*Cracking up as cool cherub 1 introduces me to the latest and greatest hip singers like Demi Lovato and watching her sing like she is on stage herself.
Life is precious, short, on a delicate string. Just like the pearls.
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