**I wrote this at midnight last night so I forgot some of the funny parts (or ridulously pathetic parts-however you want to look at it)...
Domino One Falls- Sickness
Last week, hubby left for TX at 5am Monday morning. So, it was appropriate that at 11:30am I receive a call at work from my Dad that Cherub 3 is puking at school.
Domino Two Falls- Phone Tree Follies1)When I hear my Dad's voice I panic b/c yes, he recently had a heart attack and mom recently had major surgery and now it is (sadly) ENGRAINED in my sis's and I to feel a lump in our throats when we receive an untimely call from one of our parents. He is calling to tell me he has puking cherub 3.
2)Yes, it is a problem that Dad who just had a heart attack has cherub 3, the pukester. So here is where the domino effect continue...
3)The pukester's school called my HOME number to try to reach me. Problem, yup, since I work, FULL TIME and I am NOT at home. They follow up with big sis's contact info. Poor thing...she is at work as well. So, she frantically tries to reach me but keeps getting a FAX NUMBER??? I (being the spaceshot idiot I obviously am) must have given her a wrong number. So Dad gets the pukester, big sis rushes to Dad's rescue to relieve him and meanwhile I am scrambling for a sub. Sub attained, rush home. So yay, now my SUCKY luck has now affected Big Sis and Dad. Imagine being at work and having to leave to rescue your sis's kids...not your own. Big Sis's boss must be like, "Wha?". That is how much she rocks b/c she SAVED MY BUT at the cost of her work rep. Yikes.
All the way home I think PANIC b/c I know that I can't miss work Tue-Thur b/c of report cards and conferences. That is right, where are my loyaties? Self struggle ensues. Home. Cuddle with cherub 3, relieve bib sis and beg her forgiveness. Fix the phone # folly with her and the schools (BTW, school had the right # though). Next Plan?
Domino Four- GUILT!!!
I beg baby sis SAVES MY BUT and takes the day out of work Tue to stay with Cherub 3 who stopped puking at 5am. Again, another Sis to s.m.b. at the cost of her work rep. GUILT.
I call my MIL to see if she can also SAVE MY BUT Wed-Thur since I know I can't reschedule 19 conferences without getting fired. I am forever indebted to her for coming to live with us for a few days to handle the sick ward. My guilt was increasing.
Dad comes over Thursday to relieve MIL so she can go home in the daylight hours. Cherubs are fine, he gets everyone to bed.
I came home from conferences on Thur nt (9pm), by 10:30pm I hear moaning. I run down the hall, cherub 3 is puking his way to the bathroom. Yes, the question begs to be asked why did he NOT puke Tue, Wed or Thur until now?
Hubby comes home at 11pm and resides to the fact that he'll be working from home Fri since I was already out on Monday. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt.
We have realized, it takes a village to raise our kids. It is not easy working full time. As EVERYONE has pointed out, my kids are too young. The guilt just keeps rising. Did we make the right choice, me taking this job? Ughh.
So shoot me, I love my career. That doesn't mean I don't love my kids. I would do anything for my cherubs. Too bad lately I feel like they are taking the backseat. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt.
Village: Me, Hubby, Big Sis, Baby Sis, MIL, Dad, Daycare, BIL, Schools...that is my cherub's village. We ALL took care of them last week. Crazy, huh?
Don't forget that it also takes another village to handle me and my guilt! Maybe I should just be committed. Could be easier.
Starting all over tomorrow...
1 comment:
Wishing you a week, no a month, no a SEASON of health! You deserve it!
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