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Our life is full of wonderful, chaotic, blessed, hysterical, insane, magical, sad, scary, sweet, mind boggling, moments. While balancing life with 3 cherubs, parents, sisters, BIL, In-laws, 1 teaching career, and many good friends; I find that our life is moving far toooo fast. It is important to cherish and record the moments as we consistently try to balance our scale (God forbid I make a photo album)! MB

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Some things I know...

1) Cherub 1 is slowly entering the tweenhood stage.
2) Cherub 3 IS taller than cherub 2 but is still the baby.
3) Cherub 2 has a softspot for his baby brother.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

More Than They Bargained For...

As a new teacher, the first month of school is like a treadmill that you just.can' Seriously. Honestly though, the most nerve wracking thing for me wasn't the first day, the first time my principal observed me, or the first mix-up on the job, etc.

Three words for ya: parent-curriculum-night.

It is the night all you parents come and fall asleep with your eyes open, check out the new teacher, ahem, spend an hour with me to learn all about the wonderful things I will teach your child this year. So basically, I have to be prepared to babble talk for forty five minutes straight!

That night, I arrived back at school 45 minutes ahead of schedule. I read over my material one last time, double checked my handouts, and shared some info with other teachers. With about 20 minutes before you were gonna size me up and down and ask me difficult questions I probably couldn't answer because I am new scheduled to arrive, I popped into the ladies room to change into my neatly pressed jackie o type dress and cute little sweater.

Dress off hanger.
Dress over head.
Zip and Clip

The hook was broken off my dress so I couldn't get the dress zipped! It is in these times that someone's true personality shines. I blinked back tears, swallowed the swear on the tip of my tongue , threw the sweater over my bulging out side (zipper was on the side under my arm) and skuttled to my teacher friends room. I entered her room, red-faced and sweating, closed the door and told her that she was being initiated, like it or not, to be just like a roommate to me. That's right. She got to zip me (which entailed seeing half my naked self). I couldn't decide if I wanted to faint or cry from the embarressment. Zip. No darn clip. We decided that it was best to keep my


Ummm ok. I am Irish. I literally talk with my hands. For the remainder of the night I prayed that my dress would not pop open. I am sure that meeting the new teacher who was popping out of her dress was not what the parents had bargained for.

Next year, skirt and blouse.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


September 10, 2010.
Abbreviated 10/10/10.
See you in 1000 years!
Seriously. Everyone should be playing the lottery with 10's!

What we WANT to say...

I said~ "Boys, don't wrestle."
I heard~ A large bang.
I heard~ Lots of giggles.
I heard~ A louder bang.
Cherub 3 said~ "OUCH! MOM! He bent my arm back!"
(I wanted to say "You Dope. You asked for that one.")
I actually said~ "Are you ok? Let me see honey..."

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Thankful for
hubby's strength, humor, unconditional love, and inventiveness.
hubby's whole-hearted support of my decision to go back to work.
cherub 1's sweetness, creativity, and determination.
cherub 1's positive energy and happiness.
cherub 2's sense of humor, creativity and determination.
cherub 2's imagination and ability to make one live in the moment.
cherub 3's sweetness, loving nature and determination.
cherub 3's love of tradition and ability to make one live in the moment.