BabySis turned 30! We took her away for a surprise weekend in the tradition in our family any bday adventures are fully noted in poem form (written by me). The honoree learns of their adventures as the poems unfold clues. Enjoy our recap!
FRIDAY~ start of weekend, night before BIG surprise event:
The silver limo will arrive
BigSis, much to your relief will drive
1st stop to Sis C's we will coast
Next on to Sis C (2nd) for a quick toast
Ah, the limo will take us right on time
After the 1st leg of the trip tonight you'll feel just fine
They'll be no stress, just giggles, oh what a pity
1st stop~ a spa in your choice of a city
So take a deep breath, relax every muscle
A massage and soem other fancy fussle
Some food, some drink~you'll be our Irish queen
Crashing at the Hilton~just like a dream
You'll get more info tomorrow about your next steps
On a need to know basis~secrets we have kept
Happy START to your birthday, BabySis dear girl
We can't wait for your weekend whirl!

(coasting in silver limo aka= minivan)

(champagne toast at RLF,C's house)

(Our "off we go" pic...)

This pic is not in poem but must be duely noted. NOBODY PUTS BABY IN THE CORNER! Upon arriving at the hotel we found we were put in a regular room instead of the suite we reserved. With 5 of us for the weekend we decided we probably should call to check. We girls have too much luggage...we didn't think the cot would fit! We tried to test the area in the corner to see if it would even be big enough for a cot first. Nope, BabySis can't even lie down, need the suite. BabySis & I COWERED in the corner as RLF,C responded quite efficiently to the rude front desk lady by demanding the manager and a suite. She could rule the world! In a suite
within 5 min of speaking with the manager. Off to the spa!

(RLF C,C, BigSis at Spa)

(Bday girl, BabySis after her massage, feelin full of peace)

(RLF, C & BabySis gettin all fancied up at spa)

(Dinner & Martini's at the cutest place after spa)

(Where they served cute little foods like this burga)

(Late night after spa, dinner & drinks, BabySis dances in hotel and opens presents!)
Will post SATURDAY's adventure soon!